Thursday, March 18, 2010

The crockpot - a busy mom's best friend

If you're anything like me, you're probably way too busy to spend a lot of time cooking on a week night. Both of my kids are involved in sports, and some evenings we barely have 15 extra minutes for anything. For instance, tonight I will work until 5:00, then Grayson has karate at 5:15 and soccer practice at 6:00. We won't get home until after 7:00 and then we have to eat dinner, do homework, take baths, and be in bed by 8:00. It is very tempting to go through a fast food drive through on nights like these, but a little planning can help you avoid that unhealthy trap.

 Enter the crock pot! I take about 10 minutes in the morning before going to work or when I come home from lunch to throw some ingredients in, shut it, and forget about it until I get home. It is so quick and easy to make bbq, chicken, turkey, lasagna, beans, etc. There are tons of Web sites that feature healthy crock pot meals.

Tonight, we will have quick and easy tacos, courtesy of my trusty crock pot. Just throw in some chicken breasts, seasoning, and salsa, and a few hours later it will be ready to shred up and eat in tacos. Open a can of refried beans and heat up a 90 second pack of whole grain rice, and you've got a quick and easy meal that takes no more time than the drive through.

(I love this crock pot - the lid latches on so you can easily travel with it...great for potlucks!)

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